The Ulrich Planfile and Minifile, our premier large document filing products, are designed with both fire and water resistance. Our fire resistant design features thick, double steel wall construction throughout; with fire resistant fiberglass insulation sandwiched between the steel walls. All four sides, the bottom and the lid of these filing systems utilize this insulated, double wall construction. Ulrich is the only manufacture to offer a large document filing systems with true, engineered, fire resistance construction. In the unfortunate event of a fire, Ulrich files offer this additional level of protection for your valuable documents.
When fires do occur, often water damage from sprinklers and fire hoses is a bigger problem that the fire itself. Ulrich has you cover there as well. The Ulrich Planfile and Minifile both feature a water lip and gasket system that protects the contents for water damage. Again, Ulrich is the only manufacture to offer filing systems with engineered water resistant design and construction.
You should always keep your files both closed and locked for the full benefit of these important design features.
The link below is a PDF file of the testing results, done by an independent observer, when an Ulrich Planfile was tested for heat resistance. For a more dramatic example of our fire resistant filing cabinets, take a look at the video presentation at
Fire Resistance Test Data (41.21 KB)
Ulrich Planfile Fire Resistance Data