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National Public Works Week a Chance to Give Thanks to Public Works Professionals

National Public Works Week – May 15 – 21


Are you taken for granted?

Have people ever taken a job you’ve done for granted?   While you do it day in and day out, no one seems to thank you or even notice. For this reason, this week is for people who take care of all of us every day with little appreciation. In fact, we often greet them with complaint or a longer wish list. After all, what do I have to be thankful for you ask? To begin with, let’s take a look at a day in your life. Surprisingly, you will find all the items highlighted green are thanks to public works professionals.

Morning of the first day of  National Public Works Week

First thing in the morning you crawl out of bed to a room at the perfect temperature. Next you turn on the light. Then into the bathroom and turn on the water, and grab your toothpaste to brush your teeth. Even though you are minutes into your morning routine you have used services from at least 5 public works departments.

After you are ready for your day, you jump in your car. As you drive down the street you come to the stop sign at the end of your street. Of course, you can see the sign clearly because that tree has been trimmed back to make room. And the tall grass on the left has been removed making a clear view of the road. Now it’s time to pick up your favorite coffee at the busy intersection. And you are grateful there is a left-hand turn lane at the light to make it easy to get into the coffee house. Finally, you jump on the highway for your quick ride to work. Remembering how it used to take you twice as long before the highway was created.

You haven’t even made it to your morning destination and you have utilized the following public works services:

  • Power
  • Water
  • Sewer
  • Road workers
  • Road designers
  • Traffic flow and design
  • Property deeds recording
  • Maintenance workers

Of course, these are just a few of your public works professionals.

Other departments to thank!

  • Parks
  • Recreational areas – like shorelines, lakes etc
  • Public building creation and maintenance
  • Sanitation workers
  • Dog control
  • And the list goes on and on

So thank a local public works professional today.

Here at Ulrich Planfiling

We at Ulrich Planfiling would like to thank all of the wonderful public works professionals that care for our families and make our lives easier, safer, more enjoyable and more productive. Also, we would like all of the public works professionals that we have had the privilege to work with professionally.
Plan Storage made easy and secure at Jamestown BPU - Celebrate National Public Works Week