We will provide all students the opportunity to learn today so they may contribute to a better tomorrow – Clymer Central School Motto

Mary Zimmer is the embodiment of this motto
Her picture shows her enthusiasm for her job as Library Media Specialist, and the energetic spirit she brings to it every day. Mary utilizes posters, bulletin boards, anchor charts and signs to provide a bright, organized and stimulating environment for her elementary and junior high learners. She uses these posters, bulletin boards and signs and changes them frequently to encourage her students to read books, research new concepts, and explore new ideas.

Poster and Bulletin board storage became a problem for Mary. She wanted a way to protect the precious budget dollars she had invested in these items. A storage solution that would keep these items handy when she needed them and tucked neatly out of sight when she didn’t. – who wants to waste space on storage! But most of all Mary didn’t want to waste her valuable time searching for her poster, anchor charts and bulletin board items when they were needed.
She tried a traditional poster rack. However she felt that the whole experience had been a waste of both time and money. The poster rack did not protect her posters, anchor charts and bulletin board items. And the traditional rack took up a lot of space, was unattractive and worst it was difficult to organize these items and find them when needed.
Mary was very excited when she chose the Ulrich Cadfile as her poster and bulletin board storage solution. And it solved all of her concerns:
- More time for Lesson Plans – Better Organization means time saved!
- Organized – With 20 folders the cadfile provides organization unlike any cabinet on the market.
- Time Saved – Easily find the item you need and easily refile.
- Save Budget $$ – with Ulrich Cadfile your items are protected and like new for years. No need to re-buy due to damage.
- Save floor space for your kids – at only 10 3/4″ deep this cabinet fits almost anywhere.
- Easily update your room – casters make it easy to move the Cadfile. Whether you need a totally new space or just need to clean the carpet.
- Store 1,000 documents or more – when storing 24″ x 36″ size there is space for 1,000 documents. If your posters are smaller you can store even more!
Download a copy of this article: Easy Poster and Bulletin Board Storage by Ulrich
See how easy it is to file and remove items from the Ulrich Cadfile: